PIO Cigars
Alberto J. Medina and the PIO Cigar Company have created some of the most exceptional cigars for over two decades. With an unwavering dedication to quality, they employ only premium tobacco leaves and take pride in bringing sophistication to cigar smoking like never before! When you want excellence from your cigar-smoking experience, turn to PIO Cigars for an unrivaled product that honors tradition with a modern twist.
Commemorating their 24th milestone, PIO Cigars is delighted to introduce a new vitola in their renowned Resurrection line - the 6 x 56 box pressed cigar. Crafted with excellence and precision from Nicaraguan tobaccos for fillers and binders delicately draped in Mexican San Andres wrapper, this medium-to-full body blend will be available exclusively in limited quantities as part of the regular portfolio. Handmade with love by Nicaraguan artisans, it will surely make your smoking experience one that you'll never forget!
Imbibe this unique blend of flavors, from creamy aged cedar that lingers on your tongue to sweet leather and a peppery bite. A hint of wheat toast, espresso notes, and bitter dark chocolate complete the delightful experience - sure to tantalize your taste buds with every sip!
Alberto Medina, founder and master blender of the PIO Cigar Company, has earned himself a reputation for creating exquisite boutique cigars over his quarter-century journey crafting fine complexities.