Discover the Legacy of PIO Resurrection Box Pressed LE Toro Dark
Crafted with Heritage and Passion
What makes a cigar extraordinary? At PIO Cigar Company, it’s the unwavering dedication to tradition and perfection. Born in the heart of Little Havana, Miami in 1996, PIO cigars embody the time-honored techniques of Cuban cigar making, passed down from Habana artisans before the Revolution. Each cigar is meticulously hand-rolled to capture the essence of true boutique craftsmanship—an art that's alive in every PIO Resurrection Box Pressed LE Toro Dark.
A True Boutique Experience
While many brands claim to be boutique, only a few truly honor the definition. PIO Cigars are produced in-house, with no more than 300 exclusive boxes crafted monthly. Compare that to the thousands churned out by other manufacturers, and PIO stands unrivaled. Our focused production ensures every cigar delivers exceptional quality, flavor, and an unforgettable smoking experience.
A Smoke to Savor
Measuring an impressive 6 x 52, the Box Pressed Toro Dark offers a smooth, even draw, enhanced by its unique construction. Box-pressed to perfection, it’s a striking addition to any cigar enthusiast's collection. Whether you're enjoying it with a robust espresso or a rich bourbon, each puff offers a full-bodied experience that speaks to PIO's heritage of luxury.
Unparalleled Exclusivity
Handcrafted in Little Havana, these are not mass-produced cigars that fade into the crowd. They're an authentic celebration of skill, dedication, and artistry. When you choose PIO, you're not just lighting a cigar—you’re holding a piece of history.
Don’t Wait—Elevate Your Cigar Ritual
Indulge in the unparalleled charm of PIO Resurrection Box Pressed LE Toro Dark Cigars. Limited by design, their exclusivity won't last long. Add this limited-edition box of 20 to your collection today and experience what true craftsmanship tastes like.
Experience PIO… because deserving anything less just isn’t an option.
Handmade: | Y |
Country of Origin: | Nicaragua |
Shape: | Toro |
Size: | 6 x 52 |
Strength: | medium to full |
Wrapper: | Nicaragua |
Binder: | Nicaragua |
Filler: | Nicaragua |
Box Cigar Count: | 20 |
Is Box-Pressed: | Y |
Is Long-Filler: | Y |
Is Discountinued: | N |
Tube: | N |
Is Limited: | Y |
Is Flavored: | N |