Best AJ Fernandez Cigars - Great Selection of Tobaccos
Posted by Ana Cuenca on Apr 10, 2023
AJ’s Fernandez is the go-to brand for cigar enthusiasts who want to try some of the top AJ Fernandez cigars made with the best Nicaraguan Tobaccos. We’ve assembled a sampler that includes AJ Fernandez’s blends and collaborations with other cigar manufacturers.
To learn more about the range of flavors and variety of AJ Fernandez cigars, continue reading. We created this sampler of Abdel Fernandez Cigars during the first and second half of Covid-19 lockdowns, and we believe they are fantastic. As a result, we have chosen to maintain these samplers in stock.
Top 10 AJ Fernandez Cigars Sampler
Our Curbside Delivery Sampler of ten top AJ Fernandez cigars is now available in the USA. Enjoy these select cigars at home while staying safe. The sampler has already received a 20% discount and is eligible for your Reward Program Discount for a limited time. You will receive one of each of the cigars included in the sampler.
- Diesel Whiskey Row Toro
- AJ Fernandez Last Call Maduro Flaquitas
- San Lotano Dominicano Toro | #7 Cigar Journal’s Top 25
- Hoyo La Amistad Black Toro
- Punch Diablo Scamp | Connecticut Broadleaf
- New World By AJ Fernandez Toro
- Bellas Artes by AJ Fernandez Robusto
- Montecristo Nicaragua by AJ Fernandez
- H Upmann by AJ Fernandez Toro | Ecuadorian Sumatra
- H Upmann Connecticut Belicoso
The Maduro cigar is made with high-quality tobacco from Nicaragua and has a California-style oil color. It comes in small, well-arranged formats with a hint of molasses or black pepper for added flavor. Unlike other Maduros, it uses Pennsylvania wrappers, which makes it a good choice for those new to this type of cigar. The Maduro has a unique earthy taste and sweetness and releases a rich aroma when smoked, thanks to the farm's carefully selected blend of tobacco.
A toothy Brazil Maduro wrapper features a complex mix of San Andrés and Nicaragua long-fillers in this AJ Fernandez Bellas Artes Maduro cigar. Sweet notes of cinnamon, nutmeg, and black coffee, give a variety of transitions in a slightly chunky shape. AJ blends Brazilian wrapping's smutty and earthy taste with amazingly supported tobacco.
The cigar has a Medium-plus Wrapper and a soft interior. The draw is smooth and the initial flavor is sweet before it turns a bit salty and peppery. When lit, it has a slightly bitter and earthy taste with hints of wood, spices, and peppers. The spicy aroma is reminiscent of peanuts. The burn is even, and the ash is of good quality, breaking off into small pieces.
This cigar has an Ecuadorian Rosadas Habano wrapper and Nicaraguan bind and filler. The construction was excellent, and I had no concerns. The cigar had a closed leg on one side and a black cherry, uncolored cap, which looked slightly sexy. The draw was perfect, and the flavor was earthy and based on leather. The cigar was easy to toast and light with a base flavor of ground wood, leather, sweet tobacco, and white pepper. It has a sharp aroma and burns well, with an even distribution and light grey ash. The taste is well-balanced and excellent.
The AJ Fernandez Bellas Artes Maduro cigar has a Brazilian Maduro wrapper and long fillers from San Andrés and Nicaragua. It has a slightly chunky shape and a complex flavor profile, including cinnamon, nutmeg, coffee, and other flavors. This high-quality cigar is perfect for those who appreciate a smoky yet earthy taste and expertly blended tobacco.
New World Cigar Dorado by AJ Fernandez Dorado farm in Estelí, Nicaragua.
The newest addition to the New World Series takes you on a journey inspired and influenced by a renowned tobacco-producing region. The New World series Dorado Cigars uses a tobacco blend of only Nicaraguan tobacco, predominantly sourced from AJ Fernandez's Dorado farm, aptly named for its golden texture and flavor. Smoke New World Dorado by AJ and enjoy the skill and dedication of AJ, the farm, and the rich tobacco of Nicaragua.
AJ Fernandez's New World Dorado Cigars are a sophisticated blend of the finest tobaccos from the renowned tobacco-producing region of Nicaragua. Crafted with skill and passion, this cigar utilizes exclusively Nicaraguan tobaccos from AJ Fernandez Dorado farm for a smooth and flavorful experience. The golden wrapper, which gives the cigar its name, envelops a complex blend of tobacco to create an unforgettable smoking experience. Treat yourself to the unique flavor and quality of AJ Fernandez's New World Dorado Cigars today!
Get your hands on this high-quality cigar now and enjoy the richness and complexity of Nicaraguan tobacco with every puff. Experience the very best from one of Nicaragua's finest tobacco producers. Try the New World Dorado Cigars today! You won't be disappointed – these cigars are sure to provide an enjoyable and flavorful experience. With a stunning golden wrapper, complex flavor profiles, and AJ Fernandez's commitment to quality, the New World Dorado Cigars will make it easy for you to enjoy a smooth smoking experience every time.
New World, a cigar created by AJ Fernandez, boasts a box-press design with thin edges, a polished cap, and impeccable rolling. The Nicaraguan hybrid Oscuro binding wrapped cigar is firm throughout and offers an excellent draw and strong flavor when toasted. You can expect a combination of woody oak notes, sweet spice nuances, espresso bean accents, and black & red pepper aromas as you smoke this cigar. The ash quality is impressive, providing maximum enjoyment with every puff.
Introducing the New World Cameroon Selection Cigar - a beautifully crafted, Gordo-sized (6”x60 box pressed) cigar with flawless construction. The African Cameroon binder and Nicaraguan filler have only small sections where a bit of the wrapper is missing. When lit, this cigar produces a pleasant scent of spicy cedar wood, caramel and earth with a slight hint of fruity and citrus notes.
The Retrohail blend offers a delicious mix of coffee, pine, milk, dark chocolate, and cocoa flavors that will delight your taste buds. It also has a sweet aroma; its burn and ash produce a distinct flakey but greyish impression. This retro-inspired product perfectly balances savory and sweet elements and burns well, even if the packaging has cracks. It only needs a light touch-up to continue burning beautifully.
The Montecristo Nicaragua by AJ Fernandez cigar is a joint project between Montecristo, a USA-based cigar maker- Altadis USA, and AJ Fernandez, a Nicaraguan-based cigar maker. This special edition cigar is made with an Ecuadorian Habano wrapper, two Nicaraguan binder leaves, and a filler blend of aged tobaccos from Nicaragua, Honduras, and Peru.
This cigar delivers a medium to full-bodied smoke that is smooth and well-balanced. It features a variety of rich flavors, including chocolate, cedar, spices, dark earth, nuts, and leather. The construction of the cigar is of high quality, resulting in a perfect draw that produces ample smoke. The burn line remains evenly lit throughout the entire smoking experience.
If you're a cigar lover looking for a memorable smoking experience, try the Montecristo Nicaragua, created by AJ Fernandez. It has an attractive appearance with a dark wrapper and intricate banding that was carefully crafted with attention to detail. The excellent blend of aged tobacco results in a rich, flavorful smoking experience that will leave you wanting more. These cigars also make great gifts for even the most experienced smokers in your social circles.
Cigar enthusiasts should try the AJ Fernandez Toro cigar, which is a collaboration with H Upmann and wrapped with Ecuadorian Sumatra leaf. This medium-full-bodied smoke features bold flavors from Nicaragua tobacco and added sophistication from the wrapper. It's a unique and delicious choice for cigar connoisseurs.
AJ Fernandez has used top-grade Nicaraguan tobacco for the entire blend, producing an oily sheen on this cigar. The filler tobaccos are also from Nicaragua, providing the cigar industry a rich and intense flavor profile only AJ Fernandez can offer.
The cigars are handmade at AJ Fernandez's factory in Nicaragua and are well-crafted, providing a consistent draw every time. Their distinctive reddish color on the wrapper leaf enhances their attractiveness. When smoked, the cigar delivers cedar, leather, and spice notes and finishes with a full-bodied taste.
You will notice additional flavors such as earthy cocoa, espresso beans baking spices, creamy caramelized sugar, and subtle pepper hints of white pepper accompanying the rest of the other flavors.
The new cigar from the collaboration series between H Upmanns and AJ Fernandez is so good that you will want more after smoking it! It is known for its complex and balanced flavors, as well as its excellent construction and burn quality. It is perfect for sharing with friends or enjoying it alone. This collaboration between two well-known brands produces one of the world the finest cigars today. They also produce cigars like Shadow King cigar for some online retailers.
The H Upmann Connecticut Belicoso is a meticulously crafted cigar of superior quality. It results from the collaboration between two popular cigar brands of the New World, H Upmann, and Connecticut. The cigar is six inches long with a 52-ring gauge and is composed of an Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper, Mexican San Andres binder, and fillers made from Dominican and Nicaraguan tobaccos.
Blending tobacco leaves produces medium full-bodied, smooth, creamy, and flavorful smoke. The taste is primarily dominated by cedar, earth, and roasted nuts, with a bit of sweet spice and earthy undertones adding balance. The draw is effortless, consistently producing thick clouds of fragrant smoke.
If you're a fan of cigars, you must try the H Upmann Connecticut Belicoso. This collaboration between two renowned brands has resulted in a perfect cigar. Whether you want to enjoy it alone or share it with friends, it will definitely meet your expectations.
Many cigar advisors highly recommend top AJ Fernandez cigars as a valuable resource for expanding one’s knowledge and experience in cigars. These cigars, blended by the renowned cigar maker AJ Fernandez, offer a range of strengths and advanced blends. Additionally, pairing these cigars with specific drinks and food can enhance the experience.
Cigar enthusiasts can discover various flavors, aromas, and textures that combine to produce a distinct flavor profile for the very end of each cigar.
The AJ Fernandez Cigar Tasting provides information about the different types of tobacco used in making cigars. These tobaccos include Cuban-seed tobacco grown in Nicaragua and Honduras and Connecticut Broadleaf tobacco grown in the United States. Each kind of tobacco has unique characteristics that can be learned about through AJ Fernandez Cigars.
You may use this Sampler as a reference. You are encouraged to research how to store your cigars correctly to maintain their optimal flavor for longer. Furthermore, there are recommendations on how to light your cigars to maximize your smoking experience correctly.
Our Top 10 Sampler of ten AJ Fernandez Cigars is a valuable resource for new and experienced smokers who want to deepen their knowledge and enjoy premium cigars. You can gain the knowledge to become educated consumers who understand the ingredients that go into making great cigars due to the comprehensive coverage of all the blends in this sampler.
How much is a New World Dorado cigar?
Made in Nicaragua at Fernandez San Lotano's plant, sourcing tobacco from AJ Fernandez Dorado Farm, the New World Dorado by AJ Fernandez cigars are available in four sizes: New World Dorado Robusto, 5 1/2 ins by 52 in, New World Dorado Gordito with 5 ½ X 60, New World Dorado Figurado with 6 X 56 and New World Dorado Toro with 6 X 54. It suggested a retail cost between $12 and $14.80. Prices may vary.
What does a New World cigar taste like?
New World has launched five distinct blends of cigars, including New World Oscuro, New World Connecticut, New World Cameroon, New World Puro Especial, and the newest addition, New World Dorado Cigars. Each blend caters to unique flavor profiles, strength levels, and pricing. Some of the cigars are available in a boxed-pressed format. The New World cigars have a dense texture and a mild to full flavor profile with hints of sweetness and dark, earthy tones. They provide a full palate experience with medium and cold draws. You'll notice a rich black pepper flavor when you first light the cigar. The tobacco used for the five distinct blends is sourced from different farms, including the AJ Fernandes Dorado Farm.
Are New World cigars good?
New World Cigars have received excellent ratings from top critics in the industry, including Cigar Aficionado, a renowned cigar publication. Many New World cigars have been rated with scores of 90 or above by Cigar Aficionado. The New World Dorado Robusto was ranked 14th on Cigar Aficionado's Top 25 list in 2022.
New World's extensive variety of cigars has consistently received a rating of 4 out of 5 or higher from Cigar Journal, thanks to their exceptional quality and flavor profile. The New World Connecticut Churchill was ranked No. 5 in the top 25 by Cigar Journal in 2021.
Meanwhile, Cigar Snob Magazine has lauded New World cigars as being "exceptionally constructed" with "loads of flavor and complexity." Each cigar is crafted with only carefully-selected tobaccos from some of the finest growing regions worldwide, making them stand out among other premium brands. Their unique blends create a smoking experience that will please even the most discerning aficionados. With such rave reviews over the years, it's no wonder why New World Cigars have become so popular among cigar enthusiasts everywhere.
What cigar brands does AJ Fernandez make?
AJ Fernandez has been a leading cigar-maker since 2003 and is famous for producing the labels San Lotano, New World, Bellas Artes, and Last Call, among a new world series of other Cuban-legacy editions, including the Montecristo y Romeo and Julieta in collaboration with Altadis USA.