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Cigars Accessories


The Best Cigar Accessories for 2023

There's no denying that the cigar-smoking experience is about more than just the cigars - it's about indulging in a luxurious lifestyle. And to truly elevate your cigar smoking experience, you need the best cigar accessories. On this page, we'll introduce you to the finest cigar accessories of 2023 that will enhance your smoking experience and showcase your impeccable taste. So sit back and prepare to discover the ultimate cigar accessories that will make you the envy of your fellow fans.

Short Summary

  • Discover top-brand must-have cigar accessories for the perfect aficionado experience!

  • Upgrade your smoking with premium cutters, lighters and ashtrays from Prometheus.

  • Add style to your lounge with stylish stands & holders, plus cigar themed decor pieces.

Essential Cigar Accessories for Every Aficionado

A selection of the best cigar accessories for cigar smokers

High-quality cigar accessories are essential for any aficionado. They not only add a touch of luxury to your cigar-smoking experience but also serve practical purposes, ensuring your premium cigars are always ready to be enjoyed. With a wide variety of cigar accessories available, finding the perfect ones to accessorize your cigar lounge can be a bit overwhelming. But worry not - we've got you covered.

In this blog post, we'll introduce you to the best cigar accessories, including premium cigar cutters, luxury cigar lighters, elegant cigar ashtrays, top-quality cigar humidors, stylish cigar cases, trending cigar rests, cigar accessories by Prometheus, cigar stands and holders, and cigar-themed decor. These accessories not only cater to your practical needs, but also add a touch of sophistication and elegance to your cigar lounge.

Leading brands like Prometheus and Elie Bleu have made their mark in the world of luxury cigar accessories, offering a wide range of high-quality products that cater to the needs of discerning cigar smokers. So without further ado, let's dive into the world of luxury cigar accessories and discover the must-have items to elevate your cigar-smoking experience.

Premium Cigar Cutters

A premium cigar cutter is an essential accessory for any cigar enthusiast. These high-quality cutters come in a variety of styles and materials, from stainless steel to wood, and can be personalized with engravings to add a touch of sophistication to your collection. With the right cutter at hand, you can ensure a precise and clean cut on your premium cigars, enhancing your cigar-smoking experience.

The 2022 Limited Edition Purple Rain "Dream" White Lacquer Cutter H is a remarkable example of a premium cigar cutter. Prometheus manufactures most of its cigar Humidors and Cutters in French. They produce meticulously designed cigar cutter blades that offer unparalleled aesthetic impact and an exceptional cut on a cigar. The excitement surrounding the launch of every year's Limited Editions they release is always extraordinary. These Cutters have proved their worth and are now highly sought after by cigar enthusiasts looking forward to paying the price for quality cigar accessories.

Another high-end cigar cutter worth mentioning is the Colibri. This luxurious cutter is made of Damascus steel and offers unmatched durability and precision, making it a worthy investment for any serious cigar smoker. No matter which premium cigar cutter you choose, you can be confident that you're making a valuable addition to your cigar accessory collection.

Luxury Cigar Lighters

Lighting a cigar is an art, and a luxury cigar lighter is essential for mastering this art. These lighters come in a range of designs and colors, offering both style and functionality. A reliable and stylish lighter is crucial to your cigar-smoking experience, allowing you to light your premium cigars with ease and finesse.

When looking for a luxury cigar lighter, there are several exciting features to consider, such as a triple-flame torch, adjustable flame height, and a fuel window. Additionally, look for lighters that are wind-resistant and have a large fuel capacity. Some of the best cigar lighters for 2023 include the Vertigo Triple Torch, Alec Bradley Table Cigar Lighter, Xikar Tactical Triple, and Lotus Duke V Serrated Cigar Lighter. For those on a budget, the Scorch Torch Triple-Flame Lighter is a fantastic option.

One of the most recommended brands for luxury cigar lighters is St. Dupont. Known for its high-quality construction and elegant designs, St. Dupont lighters are a must-have for every cigar aficionado who values both form and function in their accessories.

Elegant Cigar Ashtrays

An elegant cigar ashtray for a cigar smoker

A cigar lounge is incomplete without an elegant cigar ashtray. These stylish accessories provide a sophisticated way to dispose of ashes, while also adding a touch of class to your cigar smoking environment. Cigar ashtrays come in a variety of materials such as marble, glass, and metal, allowing you to find the perfect piece that complements your lounge's decor. Some popular options for elegant cigar ashtrays include the Monogrammed Marble Ashtray, a large piece of marble with cigar holders cut into it, and the Protetta Morning Birds Ash Tray, a stunning, hand-painted porcelain tray with removable cigar holders. With such a wide variety of designs and materials, there's sure to be an ashtray that suits your personal style and needs.

When it comes to price, there's a range of options to suit different budgets. For example, the traditional cigar ashtrays from Arturo Fuente Cigars Company costs around $60, offering a sleek and modern look without breaking the bank. These cigar accessories come in various colors, primarily referring to the palette of colors that represent every Opus X Cigar. Regardless of your budget, investing in an elegant cigar ashtray will undoubtedly elevate your cigar-smoking experience.

Top-Quality Cigar Humidors

Prometheus USA - A top-quality cigar humidor for storing cigars

Keeping your cigars fresh and flavorful is essential; a top-quality cigar humidor is a perfect accessory to achieve this. These humidors come in a range of sizes and styles, catering to both small collections and large stashes of cigars. By protecting your cigars from humidity, a humidor ensures that they remain in perfect smoking condition.

There are several types of humidors available, including wooden humidors, thermoelectric humidors, and other innovative designs. Each type offers its own set of benefits, so it's essential to choose the one that best suits your needs and preferences. One crucial piece of advice when choosing a cigar humidor is to opt for a size one step above the number of cigars you think you'll need to store. This allows for extra space and ensures that your cigars remain in optimal condition.

A top-quality cigar humidor not only serves a practical purpose, but also adds a touch of sophistication to your cigar lounge. With the right humidor, you can be confident that your premium cigars are always ready to be enjoyed in perfect smoking condition.

Stylish Cigar Cases

A stylish cigar case for carrying cigars by Prometheus

Cigar cases are not only practical accessories but also a symbol of the luxurious cigar lifestyle. A stylish cigar case protects your cigars from damage and keeps them in perfect smoking condition, making them an essential accessory for any cigar enthusiast. Custom cigar cases, in particular, are considered one of the best accessories due to their durability and ability to maintain cigars in perfect condition.

One notable example of a stylish cigar case is the S.T. This cigar case is made by Dupont. It is a brown double cigar case. This luxurious case can hold two cigars up to toro format and is made of high-quality leather, adding a classic feel to your collection. Brands like S.T. Dupont and Davidoff offer a range of elegant cigar cases that cater to the discerning tastes of cigar enthusiasts.

Whether you prefer a minimalist design or a more elaborate case, a stylish cigar case is a must-have accessory for any serious cigar smoker. These cases not only serve a practical purpose, but also add a touch of sophistication to your cigar smoking experience.

Cigar Rest Trending

Cigar rests are becoming increasingly popular among cigar aficionados, offering a practical and stylish way to hold cigars while smoking. These exciting accessories come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and materials, such as ceramic, glass, metal, and melamine, catering to different preferences and styles.

Using a cigar rest not only adds a touch of luxury to your smoking experience, but also helps maintain the quality of your cigars. By keeping the cigar elevated, a rest prevents it from coming into contact with surfaces that may damage it or affect its flavor.

While there are no specific new trends for 2023, the popularity of various designs and materials continues to grow, offering cigar enthusiasts a wide range of options to choose from.

When selecting a cigar rest, it's essential to consider your personal style and the overall aesthetic of your cigar lounge. With a vast array of designs and materials available, you're sure to find the perfect cigar rest to complement your cigar smoking experience.

Cigar Accessories by Prometheus

A collection of high-quality cigar accessories by Prometheus, including cigar cutters, lighters, and ashtrays.

Prometheus is a renowned brand in the world of luxury cigar accessories, offering a wide range of products that cater to the needs of discerning cigar smokers. From lighters and cutters to ashtrays, Prometheus accessories are designed to enhance your cigar smoking experience while adding a touch of style and sophistication to your collection.

Some of the exciting cigar cutters offered by Prometheus include guillotine cutters, punch cutters, and V-cutters, catering to different preferences and cutting styles. The brand also offers an amazing selection of cigar lighters, including torch lighters, soft flame lighters, and electric lighters. With a commitment to quality and style, Prometheus is a top choice for cigar enthusiasts looking to accessorize with the best.

In addition to cutters and lighters, Prometheus offers a selection of stunning cigar ashtrays made from ceramic, metal, and glass. Each of these accessories is crafted with meticulous attention to detail, ensuring that they not only serve a practical purpose but also add a touch of elegance to your cigar lounge.

Cigar Stands and Holders

cognac, poker, cigar

Cigar stands and holders are essential accessories for any cigar smoker, providing a convenient way to store and display cigars while also adding a touch of style to your cigar lounge. These accessories come in a variety of materials, such as wood, metal, and plastic, and are available in different styles like clip-on, tabletop, and wall-mounted.

Some of the best cigar stands and holders for 2023 include the Grip Clip Cigar Holder, OVATAVO Cigar Holder Clip for Golf Cart, Boveda Cedar Wooden Humidity Pack Holder, and the Xcissor Cigar Stand. When choosing a cigar holder, it's important to consider your personal style and how it will fit into your cigar lounge, ensuring that your accessories enhance the overall aesthetic of your space.

Cigar stands and holders not only offer a practical way to store and display your cigars, but also help to maintain their quality by preventing contact with surfaces that may damage them or affect their flavor. Investing in a stylish cigar stand or holder is a smart choice for any cigar aficionado looking to elevate their smoking experience.

Cigar-Themed Decor

Cigar-themed decor is an excellent way to add personality and style to your cigar lounge, creating an inviting and luxurious atmosphere for you and your fellow cigar enthusiasts to enjoy. From custom cigar signs to engraved shadow boxes, there's a wide range of cigar-themed decor items to choose from, allowing you to create the perfect ambiance for your cigar smoking experience.

Some of the best colors for cigar-themed decor include luxurious shades like gold, Pantone Bassa Nova, and Primrose Yellow. Combining these colors with warm-colored accent pieces, leather sofas, black pendants, and photographic prints can help you create a sophisticated and inviting space for enjoying your premium cigars.

To add a personal touch to your cigar lounge, consider investing in custom cigar signs or an engraved shadow box to display your most memorable cigar bands. These unique and stylish decor items not only serve as conversation starters but also showcase your love for the cigar lifestyle, making your lounge the perfect place to indulge in your passion for premium cigars.


In conclusion, the world of luxury cigar accessories offers a wide range of products designed to enhance your cigar smoking experience while showcasing your impeccable taste. From premium cigar cutters and luxury cigar lighters to elegant cigar ashtrays and top-quality cigar humidors, these accessories not only serve practical purposes but also add a touch of sophistication to your cigar lounge.

Brands like Prometheus and Elie Bleu have set the bar high in the world of luxury cigar accessories, offering a range of high-quality products that cater to the needs of discerning cigar smokers. With the right accessories, you can elevate your cigar smoking experience and indulge in the luxurious lifestyle that comes with being a true cigar aficionado.

So, go ahead and invest in the best cigar accessories of 2023, and transform your cigar lounge into the ultimate sanctuary for enjoying your premium cigars. After all, life is too short to settle for anything less than the best.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are you ready to enjoy a cigar? If so, you'll need some essential accessories - a quality cutter or scissors for a clean cut, a reliable lighter for even lighting, and a good ashtray to keep your smoking area clean.

Get ready to savor the rich flavors of a cigar!

For the best cigar experience, opt for cigars that come in aluminum tubes like the Arturo Fuente Chateau Fuente King T - Sungrown Box of 24. These cigars provide better protection and allow the cigar to breathe over time, making them perfect for an aging and humidifying process before smoking.

With this type of packaging, you can enjoy the highest quality experience every time!

Yes, you have to cut a cigar before smoking it. This is because the head of the cigar is typically closed off and must be clipped or cut off in order to allow air flow through the cigar.

Additionally, it is recommended to use something other than a paper match as your source of ignition.

For the ultimate cigar smoking experience, a butane torch lighter is the way to go! Butane torches provide a clean and controllable flame, making them the perfect choice for properly lighting your favorite cigars.

Try one out today and taste the difference!

Yes, you should light a cigar with a lighter! However, avoid using cardboard matches or lighters that use lighter fluid. Instead, opt for a wooden cigar match or a butane torch lighter, which provides the best flame control when lighting your cigar.

So grab that cigar and lighter and enjoy a luxurious smoke!