Warped Cigars
In the 2014 IPCPR Trade Show, Handmade Cigars, Warped Cigars introduced a Flor del Valle cigar brand. The venture collaborated between Warped Cigars and the TABSA factory in Esteli, Nicaragua's Casa Fernandez. They use Casa Fernandez's Aganorsa tobacco, tasty and flavorful premium tobacco. With that in mind, Warped Cigars created a Nicaraguan puro. Earlier this year, Warped Cigars announced a unique limited production off-shoot of the Flor del Valle, the Sky Flower. As a difference between other releases of Flor del Valle, The Sky Flower incorporates some of Aganorsa's best cigar of the year prized use of high priming. A Medio Tiempo primings leave into the tobacco blends and Nicaraguan Jalapa Corojo 99 wrapper. The Sky Flower is another excellent release that validates what Warped is doing.