Warped Cigars
Discover the unique richness of the Warped Eagles Descent Toro Especial Single Cigars. Handcrafted with precision and care in Nicaragua, this cigar is perfect for seasoned smokers who appreciate powerful and flavorful blends. The robusto shape of the cigar is complemented with a Corojo wrapper, Corojo and Criollo binder, and Criollo 98 and Esteli filler. Each cigar boasts a full-bodied strength and a Colorado color. To maintain its quality, no single packaging is available.
For those who savor the finest smokes, this is your chance to experience the unique complexities and earthy flavor of the Warped Eagles Descent Toro Especial Single Cigars. With only 1,500 boxes of 25 cigars available, you can be sure that this limited release cigar is an exclusive find. So join the Warped Cigars family and add this extraordinary smoke to your collection today!