Introducing the exquisite Maya Selva Villa Zamorano Expresso Cigars, now available in singles. These premium cigars are meticulously handcrafted in Honduras, using carefully selected Honduran Tobacco. While they have gained immense popularity in Europe, they are a relatively new sensation in the US market, offering an affordable option for those seeking frequent enjoyment.
The core of these cigars comprises a sublime blend of Viso Jamastran and Ligero Trojes fillers, expertly held together by a Brazilian Mata Fina binder. Encased in a rich, chocolate brown Honduran wrapper, each puff of these medium to full-bodied cigars delivers a delightful and aromatic smoking experience. Prepare to be captivated by distinct notes of roasted coffee, cocoa, earth, spices, and more.
Sized at 3 1/2 x 52, these cigars are conveniently available in single cigars online, securely wrapped in plastic covers. Don't miss out on indulging in these economically priced yet flavor-packed cigars. Place your order now at Cuenca Cigars and experience the best online prices available.