Introducing Vegas Cubanas by Don Pepin Invictos Cigars, a true testament to the art of cigar making. These premium handmade cigars are a labor of love, each one meticulously hand-rolled to perfection. Crafted with passion and expertise by My Father Cigars in Nicaragua, the unique Nicaraguan puro blend is sourced exclusively from the esteemed Garcia family's farms, guaranteeing the highest quality and authenticity in every puff.
Enveloped in a captivating Corojo rosado leaf, the Vegas Cubanas cigars boast a natural brown hue that hints at the indulgent experience within. The blend, a harmonious combination of Nicaraguan filler and binder tobaccos, creates a medium-bodied smoke that is both intricate and well-balanced. This cigar is a symphony of flavors, caressing the palate with hints of leather and wood, punctuated by occasional bursts of spices.
One of the standout features of the Vegas Cubanas cigars is their exceptional complexity. Each draw will greet you with a satisfying blend of pepper, spice, sweetness, wood, toast, and leather. This nuanced profile sets the Invictos apart, offering a journey through varied and complementary flavors that enhance every moment of your smoking experience.
Notably, the packaging of these cigars has been elevated to reflect their premium status. The box style has been updated, now housing 20 cigars instead of the previous 25, ensuring each stick is presented with the utmost care and exclusivity. This change underscores the limited availability of these exceptional cigars, adding to their allure.
Discover the unmatched quality and flavor of Vegas Cubanas by Don Pepin Invictos Cigars. Elevate your cigar experience and indulge in a smoke that promises satisfaction with every draw. Ready to savor the best? Don't wait—experience the exquisite craftsmanship and unparalleled taste today.
Handmade: | Y |
Box Cigar Count: | 20 |
Wrapper: | Corojo Rosado |
Binder: | Nicaragua |
Filler: | Nicaragua |