Rocky Patel Cigars
Thunder By Nimish Toro Cigars are hearty premium cigars by Nimish Patel, cousin of Rocky Patel. He blended these cigars with variety of tobaccos from different nations. The fillers are a combination of three types of leaves from Costa Rica, Honduras and Nicaragua. Two types of binders, one Honduran and other Nicaraguan bind them together. A shimmering Ecuadorian Habano wrapper in a dark shade rolls them up. The final product is a medium to full bodied heady cigar brimming with flavours. Notes of pepper, spices, espresso, cocoa and caramel sweetness flock into the mouth as you puff these cigars. However, they retain the smooth and balanced character from start to end. These Thunder By Nimish Toro Cigars are rolled in the size of 6 x 52. They are packed in boxes of 20. To buy them place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.