The Upsetters Cigars
The Upsetters The Skipper Cigars are distinct cigars made as a result of perfect marriage between Nicaraguan and Jamaican tobaccos. Nicholas Melillo tasted Jamaican cigars once and became a fan of it. But the idea of using Jamaican tobaccos struck him while he attended the 70th birthday of Bob Marley. He named them after the anti-heroes of 1960s in Jamaica who created a stir with their rebellious acts. He utilises well-aged long fillers both from Nicaragua and Jamaica which are enwrapped in a natural Claro wrapper. These are extraordinarily flavourful and complex, that keep the senses engaged till the end. Once lit you will realize it is unlike any other premium that you have ever smoked. The Upsetters The Skipper Cigars have been rolled in 4 1/2 x 54 sized Torpedo vitolas. Boxes of 20 are available for purchase. Buy these cigars at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.