The Upsetters Cigars
The Upsetters Small Ax Cigars are truly one of its kind cigars that mark the union of Nicaraguan and Jamaican tobaccos. This idea struck Nicholas Melillo who tasted Jamaican cigars and was interested in them. He finally made the attempt after attending the 70th birthday of Bob Marley. He named this unique cigar collection after the anti-heroes of 1960s in Jamaica who created a stir with their rebellious acts. These cigars combine the flavours of Nicaraguan long fillers with that of Jamaican. This concoction is concealed by a natural Claro wrapper. Once lit you will realize it is unlike any other cigar you have ever smoked. The Upsetters Small Ax Cigars have been rolled in 4 1/2 x 40 sized Corona vitolas. Boxes of 30 are available for purchase. Buy these cigars at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.