The Upsetters Cigars
The Upsetters Django Cigars are unique cigars marking the mingling of Nicaraguan and Jamaican tobaccos. Nicholas Melillo made this unique attempt after smoking a Jamaican made cigar and attending 70th birthday of Bob Marley. This cigar collection is named after the 1960s anti-heroes of Jamaica, who created quite a stir with their rebellious acts. These cigars fuse the flavours of aged Nicaraguan and Jamaican long fillers underneath a natural Claro wrapper. This results in a smoke like never before, extraordinarily flavourful and complex. No matter how much experience you have in cigar smoking it would still take you by surprise. The Upsetters Django Cigars have been rolled in 5 x 54 sized Robusto vitolas. Boxes of 20 are available for purchase. Buy these cigars at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.