Ashton Cigars
What’s better than a premium handmade cigar? How about six of them, crafted to perfection? The L'Atelier Surrogates Robusto Exclusivos 6-Cigar Sampler offers an exciting lineup of bold, distinct blends to captivate your senses. With iconic cigars like the Skull Breaker, Crystal Baller, and Animal Cracker, each stick provides a unique experience that speaks to the artistry behind the L'Atelier Surrogates brand.
Each cigar in this sampler is meticulously handcrafted at the esteemed My Father Cigars Garcia Family Industrial Park factory in Estelí, Nicaragua. Known for excellence, the García family ensures every puff is rich in flavor and flawlessly rolled. With a robust 5" length, 50-ring gauge, and premium Nicaraguan binders, this sampler exudes quality and passion in every detail.
Whether you’re a seasoned cigar aficionado or exploring premium blends for the first time, this sampler delivers an unbeatable experience. Each exclusive blend is crafted to highlight its unique character, from the bold Skull Breaker to the smooth Satin Glove. It’s a chance to discover your next favorite!
Unwind with confidence and explore the very best in boutique cigars with the L'Atelier Surrogates Robusto Sampler. Whether you’re treating yourself or gifting another cigar lover, this selection guarantees satisfaction. Don’t miss the opportunity to enjoy six unforgettable Robustos—order your sampler today!