Oscar Valladares Cigars
The Oscar Habano Toro Cigars are one of the finest premiums in the market. These cigars are stunning in their construction and presentation. Choice fillers from both Honduras and Nicaragua which are surrounded by a Honduran binder make the base of these cigars. These are enwrapped in an Ecuadorian Habano wrapper. These cigars are individually covered in Candela wrapper instead of cellophane paper which gives them a unique appeal. Medium to full bodied, these cigars exude an array of smooth and complex flavours. They are named as one of the top 25 cigars of 2016 by Cigar Journal. The Oscar Habano Toro Cigars are 6 x 52 sized sticks. They come in boxes of 11. To buy these ultra-smooth cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.