Tatuaje Cigars introduces the Tatuaje Broadleaf Collection, an exclusive assortment of 10 cigar sizes produced by Pete Johnson. This Limited Edition masterpiece includes a master case containing 100 cigars—a must-have item for all Tatuaje fans! The collection features:
- Tatuaje Havana Cazadores Reserva Broadleaf (6 3/8 x 43)
- Tatuaje Unicos Reserva Broadleaf (6 1/8 x 52)
- Tatuaje Noellas Reserva Broadleaf (5 1/8 x 42)
- Tatuaje Tainos Reserva Broadleaf (7 5/8 x 49)
- Tatuaje Especiales Reserva Broadleaf (7 1/2 x 38)
- Tatuaje Regios Reserva Broadleaf (5 x 50)
- Tatuaje Reserva SW Broadleaf (7 x 47)
- Tatuaje Reserva J21 Broadleaf (5 x 50)
- Tatuaje Reserva K222 Broadleaf (5 7/8 x 52)
- Tatuaje Cojonu 2003 Reserva Broadleaf (6 1/2 x 52)
Want to gain insight into the best Tatuaje Cigars? Look no further than our blog, where we explain some of the greatest samplers curated by Pet Johnson. Discover what are the Top 10 Best Tatuaje Cigars available today and understand why they make such renowned cigars!
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