Tatuaje Cigars
Tatuaje Nicaragua cigars have been topping the list of must-have smokes for years! Looking for exceptional cigars? Look no further than the master pieces crafted by famed cigar maker Pete Johnson. For 2021, these handmade beauties have arrived in a formidable grand belicoso size - with each one measuring 7 x 58. Perfect to savor and enjoy an hour or two of flavourful delight! Crafted with only premium Nicaraguan tobaccos and wrapped in a Habano Ecuador wrapper, these ones are sure to please even the most discerning aficionado amongst us. And if you’re new to the game, don’t worry - this isn’t one of those massive cigars that you can’t handle as a beginner. You’ll be feeling like a true pro watching your friends light up after they see your Tatuaje's. Don’t forget - every box of 21 comes with free shipping when you order over $99 plus! For all your cool smoking needs, show off class and style when you order from Cuenca Cigars - where smoking just became part of cool!