Tatuaje Cigars
For cigar connoisseurs seeking the absolute best in limited edition hand-rolled cigars, look no further than Tatuaje L'Atelier Roxy. The medium- to full-bodied smoke features an all-Nicaraguan blend framed with a Sancti Spiritus wrapper on the natural blend and a thick, rich Connecticut Broadleaf on the maduro blend. With an Ecuadorian Sancti Spiritus hybrid of Criollo and Pelo de Oro, expect spicier notes in the natural blend and a more chocolaty flavor from the maduro. Every puff is an exquisite ode to hand-crafted excellence.
Beautifully presented at a size of 3 1/2 x 50, these Robusto-shaped cigars are handmade by My Father Cigars S.A. in Nicaragua, making each a unique piece of art by esteemed cigar blender Pete Johnson. Buy L'Atelier Roxy Cigars online from AtlanticCigar.com, the leader in Discount Cigar Prices, and get your hands on this limited edition gem that will impress connoisseurs like no other. Shop now and always get them shipped Fast & Fresh right to your door!