Tatuaje Cigars
Forty years and counting, Tatuaje Tobacco Plaza DD is a famous Cigar Store located in the New York area. They become known for the Limited Edition Cigars they contracted to be made for the store only. One of these cigar blends was a two years working project with Pete Jonhson to celebrate the 40th Anniversary of the cigar place. The handmade cigars were aimed at the preferred list of Saint & Sinner's members, a cigar club with Tatuaje Cigars followers.
The tobacco blend is based on an old blend that cigar aficionados are very familiar with: Tatuaje Fausto Blend. The wrapper this time is an aged Ecuadorian Sumatra which differs from the initial blend wrapped with Connecticut Broadleaf. The Ecuadorian Sumatra capa especial is a tobacco leaf specially cared for and with a longer aging process, hence the secondary band which reads Capa Especial.
Some of the best Nicaraguan tobaccos are used to recreate this premium cigar. The Tatuaje Limited DB Capa Especial is a belicoso format with 6 x 58 and covers the foot. With a very limited production of 2000 boxes with a 10-count cigar, the cigars will be available only at 60 Cigar Shops across the USA. Cuenca Cigars is honored to be one of these appointed merchants for Tatuaje Cigars. These cigars will go to in the books of some of the Rare cigars available.
While some will think of rare cigars as some of the pre-embargo Cuban Cigars, the Occidental world of cigars has lately gained this appellative. In the category of rare cigars, you will find limited edition cigars that have become very popular and looked after cigars. It will be very hard to find them and if you do, it may be one that someone aged for years on their cigar humidors.
Pete Johnson is well known for his tobacco blending abilities. His skills to trick old blends into new ones are well known today. He enjoys treating us every year with a new blend that is, what he believes, the next step for cigar aficionados always changing palates. Experimenting with tobacco crops he is being aging for years is the specialty. And the Pete Johnson of Tatuaje Cigars end game is always rewarding and tasty.
If you want to know more about Tatuaje Cigars, Browse our rare cigars collection online, including the Tatuaje Limited DB Capa Especial, or stop by our physical store in Hollywood, Florida to try some of the best Nicaraguan Cigars money can buy.