Tatuaje Havana VI
Handmade Cigars Tatuaje Havana VI
Satisfy your taste buds with a well-rounded, medium-bodied smoke from Tatuaje Havana VI cigars.
High-Quality Tatuaje Havana VI Cigars You Should Try
This brand of handmade Nicaraguan cigar is a spectacular collection made through the collaboration of José Pepin Garcia and Pete Johnson. This blend features a binder and filler tobaccos from Nicaragua all covered by the unique Corojo '99 wrapper.
The medium-bodied blend notes of roasted nuts, coffee, cocoa, cedar, and espresso. You can also experience hints of pepper and a slight sweetness on the finish. With this Tatuaje cigar selection, novice or seasoned cigar aficionados can enjoy smooth and classic flavors.
Some of the vitolas available for this cigar include:
- Artistas (6.12 x 52)
- Victorias (6 x 38)
- Gorditos (5.5 x 56)
- Nobles-Robusto (5 x 50)
- Angeles (4.6 x 42)
Buy the Boldest and Strongest Cigars
Need world-class Tatuaje cigars? Look no further than Cuenca Cigars. We have the right Tatuaje Havana VI Cigars to match your tastes.
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