Experience an unforgettable journey with Tatuaje Nicaragua Cojonu 2015 Cigars! Impeccably handcrafted in Nicaragua at the renowned My Father Cigars S.A. factory, these 21 cigars boast a captivating blend of flavorful and robust Nicaraguan tobacco. Let each puff transport you to a world of luxurious flavor, as the Nicaraguan habano wrapper envelops your senses. Carefully cultivated at family-owned farms, this masterpiece by Pete Johnson of Tatuaje Cigars promises an unparalleled smoking sensation. Whether you're a seasoned aficionado or new to the cigar scene, this extraordinary box of Cojonu 2015 Cigars is a must-have. Shop now and indulge in the ultimate destination for premium cigars at Cuenca Cigars. Enjoy free shipping on orders $99+!