Tatuaje Cigars
Imagine a cigar that redefines indulgence with every draw—the Tatuaje Cojonu 2012 Broadleaf delivers just that. Carefully handcrafted, this premium cigar showcases the artistry of Nicaraguan heritage. Encased in a rich Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper, it is as visually striking as it is flavorful.
Prepare to immerse yourself in a bold, medium-to-full-bodied flavor profile. Each puff unfurls layers of nutty and creamy notes, interwoven with syrupy sweetness and caramel hints, creating an unparalleled smoking experience. The meticulous blend of Nicaraguan tobacco fillers and a robust binder ensures every cigar is a flavorful masterpiece.
Measuring a satisfying 6 1/2 x 52 in a classic Toro shape, this cigar invites relaxation and extended pleasure. Presented in an elegant wooden box of 21, each cigar speaks to quality and sophistication. A stellar addition to any humidor or a thoughtful gift for the aficionado in your life.
Why settle for ordinary when the Tatuaje Cojonu 2012 Broadleaf offers an extraordinary escape? Perfect for unwinding after a long day or celebrating life’s milestones, this cigar brings moments of pure luxury to your fingertips.
Don’t just smoke a cigar—savor an experience. Add the Tatuaje Cojonu 2012 Broadleaf to your collection today.