The Tatiana 25th Anniversary Limited Edition Cigars are more than just a blend—they’re a celebration of 25 years of craftsmanship and smoking pleasure. Imagine holding a cigar that embodies the perfect balance between tradition and innovation, made at La Aurora in the Dominican Republic, the oldest cigar factory in the country. This exclusive box of 10 cigars, beautifully packaged in sleek black and gold, invites you to savor a milestone in cigar history.
The blend of these 6 x 54 Toro Extra cigars is as captivating as the milestone they celebrate. While the exact formula remains undisclosed, expect a unique flavor profile that elevates the Tatiana experience. Enhanced by a novel production technique, this cigar offers a richness and complexity that's unparalleled in its lineup.
Wrapped in a rich, reddish-hue Habano leaf and featuring an Ecuadorian binder, this cigar embodies quality from filler to cap. Each draw delivers a smooth, mellow smoke with bold flavors, allowing you to relish every single puff.
Housed in a sleek black box accented with gold, these cigars are the perfect blend of luxury and exclusivity. With only 2,500 boxes available, they’re not just cigars—they’re collector’s items.
Smooth, aromatic, and perfectly balanced, the Tatiana 25th Anniversary Limited Edition Cigar offers a draw that’s simply unmatched. The delightful scent of chocolate and leather will surround your senses, enhancing your smoking experience from the first puff to the last. Expertly crafted for even burns and a luxurious feel, this cigar transforms every smoking session into a celebratory experience.
Priced at just $12 per cigar, this limited-edition release offers unbeatable value. Whether you're a loyal Tatiana aficionado or simply seeking a one-of-a-kind experience, this 25th Anniversary cigar is a must-have for your collection.
Take time to celebrate the art of fine cigar craftsmanship—order your box of Tatiana 25th Anniversary Limited Edition Cigars today and savor 25 years of excellence, one puff at a time.