What’s the secret behind a cigar that’s earned its place among the top 25 cigars of 2015? The answer lies in the extraordinary craftsmanship of Sublimes Magnum Cigars. Designed for seasoned cigar lovers and curious enthusiasts alike, these are the go-to premium cigars for an everyday indulgence or a special moment of relaxation.
Each Sublimes Magnum Cigar is a masterpiece, featuring perfectly aged Nicaraguan Habano Criollo fillers married with a robust Honduran Habano Corojo binder. But what truly elevates these cigars is their Ecuadorian Habano Rosado Oscuro wrapper—a stunning dark brown finish that’s a visual promise of the flavorful experience within. The result is a medium-bodied smoke bursting with a symphony of flavors, including hints of vanilla, caramel, nougat, nuts, and spices.
Critical acclaim? Check. Sublimes Magnum Cigars have won the hearts of critics and connoisseurs globally, cementing their reputation as a premium choice for aficionados. With an impeccable draw, consistent burn, and complex flavor profile, it’s not just a cigar—it’s a benchmark for excellence.
Luxury extends beyond the cigar itself to its presentation. Each cigar is crafted to a generous 6 1/4 x 58 size and packaged in classic wooden boxes that hold sets of 30. This timeless design adds an edge of sophistication, making them perfect for gifting or personal enjoyment.
Why wait to indulge? Treat yourself to the bold complexity and perfect construction of Sublimes Magnum Cigars at Cuenca Cigars. Don’t miss out—order now and enjoy premium cigars at the best online price!