Dunbarton Tobacco Cigars
Ignite a passion for luxury and complexity with Sin Compromiso Paladin de Saka Cigars. Handcrafted in Nicaragua at Fábrica de Tabacos Joya de Nicaragua S.A, Sin Compromiso Palmer de Saka cigars feature a Mexican San Andrés Negro wrapper, Ecuadorian Habano binder, and Nicaraguan and U.S. Pennsylvania filler – creating a luxurious smoke that is full-bodied yet incredibly balanced. Sin Compromiso cigars are dreamed up by Master Blender Steve Saka, the legendary crusader of no-compromise crafting excellence.
These 7 by 52 double churchills offer delightful mouthfuls of creamy caramel, black cherry sweetness and hints of spice, which have been crafted to perfection for an enticing smoke that reveals a refined structure of tobacco flavors throughout the entire journey of your cigar session.
So what are you waiting for? Get ready to try something truly exquisite with Sin Compromiso Paladin de Saka Cigars – available now at Cuenca Cigars with FREE Shipping on orders $99 plus! Don’t miss this opportunity to experience unmatched flavor, body and character at an amazing price – indulge yourself today!