Dunbarton Tobacco Cigars
Don Pepin Cuban Classic 2001 Toro Gordo Cigars from the My Father Cigar Company are one of the finest examples of the perfect blend of flavours. Originated in Nicaragua, these cigars are completely processed by hands. It uses a native grown long filler and binder in the perfect ratio. The Habano-Rosado wrapper having a rich flavour profile envelops the filler and binder making it a solid cigar. The Don Pepin Cuban Classic 2001 Toro Gordo Cigars presents an even burn rate and thick creamy smoke. These medium to full bodied cigars burn in a constant manner releasing a sweet tobacco aroma. The cigar becomes more complex as it progresses, revealing notes of spice and coffee with traces of cedar lingering on the palate. Shaped in Toro Gordo these cigars measuring 6 x 60 are usually packed in boxes of 20 cigars. To buy these premium cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.