Sencillo Cigars
Sencillo Black Gigante Cigar has resulted from the collaboration between Nestor Plasencia and Keith Park of God of Fire. They blended these cigars with a variety of tobaccos from different growing regions. The blend comprises Nicaraguan, Honduran and Mexican filler tobaccos including Cuban seed and ligero leaves. Bound by a Nicaraguan Habano Jalapa binder they are cloaked in a deep Habano Colorado wrapper that is extra-fermented for rich color. This concoction delivers a medium to full bodied refined smoke that is bold yet smooth on the palate. The smoke is primarily dominated by spices accompanied by hints of dark tobacco, earth, leather and sweetness. Priced moderately they are a steal. This Sencillo Black Gigante Cigar is 6 x 60 in size and comes in boxes of 25. To buy these affordable premiums place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.