San Cristobal Cigars
San Cristobal Ovation Eminence Cigars are the latest collaboration of Ashton Cigars and the Garcias Family, the makers of the My Father Cigars! The cigar was first introduced during the 2015 IPCPR and when the retailers taste this new jeweler they were ready to put the new San Cristobal Ovation Cigars in the shelves. The Garcia's have been testing this San Andres Oscuro wrapper with a new process of intense double fermentation and two and half years of aging, to deliver the most rich and tasteful wrapper. The San Cristobal Ovation Cigars are produced in only this size and a limited production of 3000 boxes to insurance quality control. The San Cristobal Ovation is a cigar that you MUST try! Get the Ovation while they last! Cuenca Cigars has them now for limited time only!