San Cristobal Cigars
San Cristobal Elegancia Robusto Cigars are satisfying yet smooth premium cigars that are carefully handcrafted in Nicaragua at the famed Garcia factory. These are second in the series of San Cristobal and display a milder profile than the previous line. Packed to the brim with rich Nicaraguan long fillers they are covered in a silky Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper leaf in golden brown hue. These tobaccos blended precisely create a smooth smoking cigar in medium body profile. It does not compromise with flavors and complexity and exudes prominent notes of oak, pepper, coffee, cream and earth. Elegant and flawless they are rated with notable 91 point rating. These San Cristobal Elegancia Robusto Cigars are crafted in the size of 5 x 50. They come in wide boxes of 25. To buy these golden hued cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.