Saint Luis Rey Titan Cigars are old and trusted premium cigars that have been re-invented quite a few times. First they were crafted in old Cuba and from there it went to Dominican Republic and now finally landed in Honduras. These cigars are stuffed with Nicaraguan, Honduran and Peruvian long fillers. A Nicaraguan binder holds them in place and a dark and oily San Andres Morron wrapper protects them beautifully. As a result, a full bodied robust cigar is produced that exude tons of flavors and complexity. The palate gets the taste of coffee, cream, spices and leather while the senses enjoy a luxurious aroma. These Saint Luis Rey Titan Cigars are constructed in the size of 5 1/2 x 60. They are available in black boxes of 25. To buy these re-born Cuban cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.
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