When legends of the premium cigar world collide, the result is nothing short of extraordinary. The Room101 Louis Red Rocket Toro is a 6 x 52 gem born from an inventive partnership between Room101 and Sir Louis Cigars. This limited-edition cigar embodies craftsmanship, boldness, and a touch of eccentricity that’s unlike anything you’ve experienced before.
Crafted at Tabacalera William Ventura in the Dominican Republic, the Red Rocket features a Mexican San Andrés wrapper, an Indonesian binder, and a thoughtfully curated filler blend with tobaccos from the USA, Nicaragua, and the Dominican Republic. Each draw delivers an “earthy and girthy smoke,” layered with deep bass notes, balanced sophistication, and a clean finish. Looking for a bold nicotine hit without the harsh burn? This blend checks all the right boxes, making it perfect for the refined cigar enthusiast who enjoys something powerful yet polished.
Not just a cigar, but a personality—this collaboration is steeped in the unique ethos of both brands. “The freaks of the industry,” as Sir Louis Cigars proudly proclaims, have created a product that celebrates total inclusion for all cigar lovers. Whether you're a seasoned aficionado or just embarking on your cigar journey, the Red Rocket promises a uniquely welcoming and flavorful experience.
Each cigar is offered at $15 or grab a 10-count box for $150 available at Cuenca Cigars in-store or online. “Intimate quantities” ensure this is a limited treasure you’ll want to secure before it’s gone.
Why wait? Elevate your cigar collection with this bold collaboration—taste what happens when innovation meets mastery.