Romeo y Julieta Cigars
The Romeo y Julieta Reserva Real Nicaragua Churchill is the perfect cigar for a momentous occasion. It’s long, full-bodied and expertly handcrafted in Nicaragua at AJ Fernandez’s renowned Tabacalera factory. Alluring notes of spicy pepper on a background of intensely rich Nicaraguan tobacco will enthrall your senses and ignite your palate.
This Churchill’s length gives you the opportunity to relish each flavor nuance as the smoke lures you away from the bustling day into serenity. The 7 x 50 puro offers a balanced burn combined with a robust smoke that lets you enjoy every bit of its flavor – much like Romeo and Juliet themselves!
So if you’re looking for an interesting, exciting, yet relaxing experience – reach no further than the Romeo y Julieta Reserva Real Nicaragua Churchill and let your senses join together in an everlasting love affair with this cigar. Available now by the box or single!