Romeo Y Julieta 1875 Nicaragua Magnum Cigars are the perfect hybrid of classic and modern flavors. These Nicaraguan puros are rolled for maximum flavor and complexity, boasting full-bodied spice with some delightful subtlety. At 6 x 60, the magnum size is sure to give you plenty of time to sit back, relax, and savor every puff of these delectable Nicaraguan handmade cigars.
The folks at Altadis USA have turned to the trusted Planasencia family to craft this special blend of Romeo Y Julieta cigars. It's like taking a journey through the past and future in one incredible smoke. The Nicaragua Puro offers robust spiciness while preserving those traditional 1875 cigar lineup nuances – it's truly a unique experience that cigar lovers will not forget!
You'll be ready for a night out or just quite evening in your favorite chair with you Romeo Y Julieta 1875 Nicaragua Magnum Cigar box from Cuenca Cigars Online! Shop now and get those cigars rolling before anyone else does!