The Art of Smoking Cigars
It's difficult to determine which cigars are suitable for people who are new to smoking cigars due to the large variety available. Romeo y Julieta brand Cigars have a strong Cuban heritage and are named after the iconic characters from one of Shakespeare's most famous plays.
After the Cuban embargo was enforced, the production of these cigars was relocated to the Dominican Republic. These cigars are well-known for their mild to medium strength and satisfying richness in flavor.
Cuenca Cigars has shared a brief summary of their preferred Romeo y Julieta brand cigars, which are ideal for beginners and considered some of the top choices beginner cigars currently available.
Introducing mild cigar Reserva Real, an absolute beginner cigar smoker! These cigars feature a combination of Dominican blend and Nicaraguan long-filler, offering a more flavorful and robust cigar smoking experience than the 1875 line.
The blend has a smooth touch due to adding a Connecticut Shade wrapper grown in Ecuador while keeping the spicy and interesting flavor, yet a mild cigar. The line offers different sizes to cater to your preferences.
Reserva Real cigar scored 91 due to its attractive appearance, effortless draw, and deliciously spicy and leather flavors. A pleasant suggestion of cedar completes the overall experience of stronger cigar.
Romeo y Julieta is a popular cigar brand, and one of their most famous cigars is from 1875. Originally from Cuba, they now create milder cigars in the Dominican Republic. 1875 is in high demand and has an Indonesian wrapper, Dominican binder, and long-filler. It has a balanced taste that is not too strong but still satisfying.
When it's lit, you can expect medium-bodied cedar and earth flavors. The cigar is easy to draw and burns slowly.
If you try Romeo y Julieta's well-known 1875, you'll understand why they are one of the top cigars for beginners among cigar aficionados.
The Romeo y Julieta 1875 cigar has received an impressive 92 rating, which confirms that it this expensive cigar is a high-quality cigar and is one of the best cigars in the Romeo y Julieta range.
The review notes that this cigar brand has a strong aroma, produces white ash, and has a strong, toasty flavor with hints of leather and wood and a mild cigar sweet aftertaste.
Romeo y Julieta Aniversario was created to commemorate Romeo y Julieta's 130th anniversary in the cigar industry.
The brand took great care to develop the Aniversario, using a meticulously fermented Ecuador Sumatra wrapper and producing some of the best cigars. This anniversary cigar is the first one you should buy when celebrating your milestones.
This best cigar is made with a Dominican, Nicaraguan, and Peruvian tobacco long-filler core and a Connecticut Broadleaf binder, and it's a WOW to cigar etiquette.
It has a medium-bodied strength and a smooth texture. The flavor profile of a good cigar is complex, with notes of roasted nuts, cedar, leather, and earth and a slightly spicy taste. It received a 92 rating and is praised right cigar, for its rich and dark bronze appearance and its cedar, earth, licorice, and nuts flavors.
The Romeo y Julieta brand is well-known for its reliability. Even though they were originally a Cuban company, it moved its production after the embargo and has maintained its reputation for manufacturing top-quality blends.
The Vintage series, launched in 1993, is a great illustration of this. This high-end cigar is distinguished just a cigar and by the experienced cigar smoker for its sophisticated and smooth taste. Nevertheless, the quantity produced of the high quality cigars and cigar is limited.
The Romeo y Julieta Vintage line is crafted from top-notch, well-aged tobacco that has undergone longer fermentation. The wrapper is meticulously chosen for its natural, glossy appearance and smooth texture.
Likewise, the binder consists of mature Mexican foliage. Meanwhile, medium body of the delicate blend is made of Cuban seed and long-leaf Dominican tobacco.
The taste of good cigars includes a traditional blend of cedar, delicate pepper, and organic tobacco sweetness. There's no need to preserve them in a humid environment, as each box has a built-in humidification system. Have a good time!
A.J. Fernandez and Rafael Nodal have collaborated again to create a blend of not-so-mild cigars that some say is even better than the original. It took them a year and a half to develop delicious flavors for the new smoker, resulting in a cigar that is more complex and fuller in the body than the original without being overly strong.
The Reserva Real Nicaragua is a cigar made only from tobaccos grown on A.J. Fernandez's farms in Esteli. It has a rich flavor distinguished puro flavor that is medium-full, with notes of cedar, leather, and toast.
The cigar is expertly crafted, providing an effortless draw and solid burn. This new addition to the Romeo Y Julieta collection is a new cigar smoker worth trying and one cigar will reignite your love for the brand.
Excellent news, another great cigar! The Reserva Real Nicaragua has been ranked #9 Cigar of 2022 with a deserved rating of 93 points. With its long flavor progression that begins with dense and creamy layers of salted caramel, smoothly with sweet cream, transitioning to a palate of Middle Eastern spices and coffee, all over a nutty and leathery core.
Romeo y Julieta offers various cigar flavors, including some beginner's palate cigars like the Reserva Real, the best cigar for beginners, Reserva, Anniversary, and 1875 lines. In addition, they now offer more full-bodied blends to cater to a broader range of cigar smokers, such as the Romeo Anejo, Romeo by RYJ, and Aging Room. They provide a smooth and very full smoking experience. Romeo y Julieta is now one of the most popular cigar brands, and if you have your favorites, you can place an order now at an unbelievable price.