Romeo y Julieta Cigars
Romeo Anejo by Romeo y Julieta Toro Cigars is lovable cigars that display the love and passion that drives this iconic brand for years. These are amped up versions of the Romeo cigars and pack some of the most prized tobaccos inside. The core is filled with 2009 vintage Nicaraguan and Honduran fillers bound by a double fermented Dominican Olor binder from 2008 vintage. They are all hugged by a 2010 Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper. The effect is a richly flavoured robust cigar in medium to full body profile. It exudes the delicious notes of coffee and dark chocolate all through the end. The Romeo Anejo by Romeo y Julieta Toro Cigars are rolled in 6 x 54 sized vitolas. They are presented in humidor boxes of 50. To buy these love-struck cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.