Rocky Patel Cigars
Rocky Patel Vintage Series 1990 Junior Cigars are masterful creations by one of most trusted name in the cigar industry, Rocky Patel. It is the first installment of his acclaimed Vintage series that features superbly aged tobaccos. This cigar has a mix of 7 years’ old Nicaraguan and Dominican filler and binder combination. The top layer has a 12 years old Honduran Broadleaf Maduro wrapper. The cigar turns out to be a rich, complex yet smooth, balanced smoke in medium body profile with enticing aromas and plumes of smoke. They are rated with 92 and 93 points along with a spot in the top 50 cigars list. These Rocky Patel Vintage Series 1990 Junior Cigars are crafted in the size of 4 x 38. They come in boxes of 50. To buy these cigars with vintage tobaccos place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.