Rocky Patel Cigars
Rocky Patel Twentieth Anniversary Lancero Cigars are one of the most awaited and celebrated cigar by Rocky Patel whose successful journey in the cigar industry has crossed 20 glorious years. He has spent five years in making this Twentieth Anniversary line which is absolutely fit for this grand occasion. A blend of extensively aged Honduran and Nicaraguan long fillers from Esteli and Jalapa comprises these cigars. These are draped in a Honduran wrapper. Full bodied these cigars display ample richness and complexity that is neutralised by perfect balance. It burns slowly releasing savoury flavours of pepper, cinnamon, espresso, mocha, earth, wood and some hints of spices that last for enough time on the palate before vanishing. Its meticulous construction is very much evident from first to end. The Rocky Patel Twentieth Anniversary Lancero Cigars are 7 1/2 x 38 in size and come in boxes of 20. To buy them place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.