Rocky Patel Cigars
Rocky Patel The Edge Corojo B52 Cigars are tiny little cigars with all the goodness of a full-fledged cigar. They pack chosen 5 years old Nicaraguan and Honduran ligero fillers bound by a Nicaraguan binder. They are topped off by a Cuban seed Honduran Corojo wrapper. The result is a rich, hearty, full bodied cigar with enticing aromas and exceptional smoothness. It coats the palate with dark, savory spicy flavors that remains constant from start to end. The seasoned smokers can get the most out of it. These Rocky Patel The Edge Corojo B52 Cigars are deftly rolled in the size of 4 1/2 x 60. They are packed in boxes of 30. To buy these power-packed cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.