Rocky Patel Cigars
Rocky Patel Sun Grown Torpedo Cigars are magnificent cigar which again proves why Rocky Patel is such a trusted brand across the globe. This cigar packs a blend of Nicaraguan and Dominican long fillers that are aged for 7 years. On the top it features a sun grown Ecuadorian wrapper that is also aged for 5 years. This blend of vintage tobaccos produces a rich, complex, flavorful smoke in full body strength. It releases spicy-sweet nuances with hints of espresso and pepper. Remarkably smooth they can please even the most discerning palate. Rated with 90+ points they are named as one of the top 50 cigars of the world. These Rocky Patel Sun Grown Torpedo Cigars are made in the size of 6 1/8 x 52. They come in boxes of 20. To buy them place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.