Rocky Patel Cigars
Rocky Patel Sun Grown Robusto Cigars are excellent cigars crafted by none other than Rocky Patel, a name to reckon with in the industry. He creates each of his cigars with utmost care and dedication which is evident in their burn. This cigar is blended with Nicaraguan and Dominican long fillers aged for 7 years at a stretch. They are cloaked in a 5 years old sun grown Ecuadorian wrapper. This concoction of patiently aged tobaccos produces a full bodied cigar with loads of complexity and impeccable smoothness. A spicy-sweet taste remains constant till the end while hints of pepper and espresso make occasional appearance. These gorgeous cigars have bagged the honor of being one of the top 50 cigars of the world. These Rocky Patel Sun Grown Robusto Cigars are made in the size of 5 1/2 x 50. They come in boxes of 20. To buy them place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.