Rocky Patel Cigars
Rocky Patel Sun Grown Petite Corona Cigars are masterfully crafted solid premiums produced by Rocky Patel, the distinct tobacconist. His love and passion for cigar is legendary and each of his creations stands out from another. This cigar encompasses 7 years aged Nicaraguan and Dominican fillers encased in a 5 years old sun grown Ecuadorian wrapper. This combo of aged tobaccos creates an extremely smooth, flavorful, complex smoke in full body strength. They exude savory spicy-sweet taste right through the end with hints of espresso and pepper. A favorite of the connoisseur they are named as one of the top 50 cigars of the world with 90+ ratings. These Rocky Patel Sun Grown Petite Corona Cigars are made in the size of 4 1/2 x 44. They come in boxes of 20. To buy them place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.