Rocky Patel Cigars
Introducing Rocky Patel Sixty Toro cigars, the newest addition to our premium cigar lineup. Handcrafted with authentic Nicaraguan tobaccos, these medium to full-bodied cigars will take you on a memorable journey through intricate flavors and aromas. Mexico San Andres wrapper creates a bold statement and long finish that will linger in your memory long after you’ve enjoyed it. Each box of 20 cigars is crafted at the world-renowned TAVICUSA factory located in Esteli, Nicaragua, renowned for its world-class craftsmanship and commitment to quality. Since 2021, Rocky Patel Sixty Toro has been our most sought-after cigar experience, with thousands of satisfied clientele around the world.
Inhale deep and let yourself unwind as you puff away on these limited edition cigar delights. These cigars are sure to be an invitation to paradise for any aficionado– as soon as each smoke hits your palate, you’re sure to discover something new in taste and aroma. Step up your game and get them while stocks last! Plus today only– get Free Shipping when you spend $99 or more with Cuenca Cigars! What are you waiting for? Get yours now at Cuenca Cigars!