Rocky Patel Cigars
Rocky Patel Sixty Sixty is a premium cigar brand highly popular among cigar enthusiasts. The brand is known for producing cigars of exceptional quality, and the Rocky Patel Sixty Sixty pack of 5 is no exception. Each cigar is infused with rich, flavorful tobacco carefully aged to perfection.
In September 2021, Tabacalera Villa Cuba S.A. introduced a new cigar named Rocky Patel Sixty by Rocky Patel Cigars. It is 6 inches long and has a ring gauge of 60. The wrapper is from Mexico (San Andrés), and the binder and filler are from Nicaragua.
It's a unique size. The cigars are 6 inches long with a ring gauge of 60, making them much larger than your average cigar. This allows for a longer smoking experience, perfect for those who enjoy a more leisurely smoke.
The pack of 5 comes neatly packaged in a Cigar Back with Boveda Humi System, making 5 packs an excellent gift for any cigar aficionado. The bag is sealed, which helps preserve the cigars' freshness.
The Rocky Patel Sixty cigar has been ranked the #2 Cigar of 2022 with a score of 96 points by Cigar Aficionado. The cigar tastes of leather and wood and hints of coffee, walnut, and a touch of red pepper spiciness. The cigar delivers strong tobacco layers with a large ring gauge and resembles a chocolate bar. This recognition is well-deserved.
In conclusion, the Rocky Patel Sixty Sixty pack of 5 is an excellent choice for anyone who appreciates a good cigar. Its unique size, elegant presentation, smooth side, and exceptional flavor make it a must-try for cigar enthusiasts. So why not treat yourself or someone special to this premium cigar pack and experience the ultimate smoking pleasure?