Rocky Patel Java
Nicaragua Handmade Cigars, Rocky Patel Java Cigars are outcome of joining hands of two pioneers of cigar industry. Jonathan Drew of Drew Estate and Rocky Patel are two master blenders responsible for this particular series of cigar. Together they created a cigar which is a blast of flavors. Java Cigars are created in four different blends: Latte, Maduro, Mint and Red (Cherry). They all using the Infusing Tobacco technique developed by Jonathan Drew. The Maduro features a dark, oily Maduro wrapper which enrobes an aged blend of Nicaraguan long-fillers. These cigars go through a long period of aging during which flavors of mocha is infused in them. The result is a subtly sweet Nicaraguan puro with hints of mocha that smokes smooth from start to finish. The Latte is a milder coffee infused blend that is perfect for beginners. The Mint is a blend mint flavorings infused with rich, dark chocolate. The red is also a coveted dark chocolate blend with a cherry infused at the end! All for uses the best long-fillers tobaccos you can ever dream of!