Rocky Patel Hamlet Paredes Tabaquero Toro Cigars hold a special significance as it marks Paredes's first venture into non-Cuban cigars. Hamlet Paredes, a renowned cigar blender from Cuba, has joined forces with Rocky Patel to craft this exceptional cigar. It boasts a blend of multinational tobaccos, with fillers hailing from Nicaragua and binders sourced from Mexico and Brazil. Adorned with a dark San Andres wrapper, this cigar delivers a medium-bodied, richly flavored smoke that closely rivals the experience of Cuban cigars. Prepare your palate for notes of pepper, spice, cocoa, coffee, earth, and cream, all expertly balanced for a smooth indulgence. With its impressive accolades and remarkable ratings, this is an absolute must-try. The Rocky Patel Hamlet Paredes Tabaquero Toro Cigars measure 6 x 52 and are available in boxes of 20. Don't miss out on the opportunity to experience Hamlet's first non-Cuban creation - place your order at Cuenca Cigars for the best online price.