Rocky Patel Cigars
Rocky Patel Hamlet Paredes Tabaquero Robusto Grande Cigars are joint creation of rocky Patel and Hamlet Paredes. Paredes is a famous Cuban cigar roller who fled Cuba with the help of Patel. This is his first non-Cuban cigar blended with multinational tobaccos. It begins with a dark complexioned San Andres wrapper that encases a blend of Nicaraguan fillers bound by binders from both Mexico and Brazil. This concoction delivers right amount of complexity and richness that is reminiscent of old Cuban smoke. It displays a medium body profile and balanced notes of pepper, spice, cocoa, coffee, earth and cream. Loved by critics it has scored 90 points. The Rocky Patel Hamlet Paredes Tabaquero Robusto Grande Cigars are 5 x 54 in size and come in boxes of 20. To buy HamletÕs first non-Cuban cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.