Rocky Patel Cigars
Rocky Patel Hamlet Paredes Tabaquero Robusto Cigars mark the union of two great cigar makers, Rocky Patel and Hamlet Paredes. Paredes is a Cuban cigar maestro whose skills are widely recognised. Rocky Patel helped him to escape Cuba and now they are making cigars together. This cigar is a mix of tobaccos from several countries that Hamlet has chosen to create his first non-Cuban cigar. The fillers are Nicaraguan while the binders are from Brazil and Mexico. They are hugged by a dark San Andres wrapper. The cigar turns out to be an exciting medium bodied cigar with Cuban-esque richness. It abounds in flavours of pepper, spice, cocoa, coffee, earth and cream. This creation has fetched lots of praises and a 90 point rating. The Rocky Patel Hamlet Paredes Tabaquero Robusto Cigars are 5 x 50 in size and come in boxes of 20. To buy HamletÕs first non-Cuban cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.