Rocky Patel Cigars are a top-tier brand of imported premium cigars worldwide. The brand and founder, Rocky Patel, is a perfectionist in blending and the process and is strongly dedicated to providing customers with the most flavorful, well-balanced, and high-quality cigars possible. The company solely uses the finest long-aged tobacco and continuously improves its cigars to enhance your smoking experience.
The Rocky Patel Decade Toro Tube is a highly-rated cigar among Rocky Patel Cigar Brands reviews, with a score of 95. It was recognized as one of Cigar Aficionado's Top 25 Cigars of the Year. According to the same review site and reviewers, the cigar has an oily and pressed texture that provides a smooth draw. It has a rich and creamy taste with noticeable savors of black cherry and a nutty finish. Rocky Patel Decade is described in reviews as balanced and elegant.
You might want to try the Rocky Patel Number 6 Toro Tube cigar. It has received many reviews with a high rating of 95 and was named as the #9 Cigar of 2020. Experts who have tasted the Rocky Patel Number 6, describe the flavor as a combination of vanilla, cocoa, orange peel, and black pepper, with a spicy and nutty finish.
Nish Patel describes the Rocky Patel Number 6 cigar as having a unique, sweet flavor that sets it apart from their other releases. Made with a Corojo wrapper from Honduras and high-quality leaves from Rocky's farms, it has a medium-bodied profile and quickly made it to the top-rated cigars list. The tastes include honey, as well as notes of vanilla, coffee, earth, spice and bread. The Patels always strive for excellence in their cigars, and you'll agree once you try the Rocky Patel Number 6.
The Rocky Patel Edge Corojo Toro Tubo is a medium, cigar with mature and crisp flavors that blend together perfectly. It's not overpowering and allows you to gradually appreciate its complexity and strength. As you smoke the Rocky Patel Edge, you'll experience spicy and well-rounded accents that are perfect for experienced cigar smokers. This premium cigar has received a 90 rating and is known for its even burn, draw, and flavors of wood, caramel, cocoa, and pepper on the dry, long finish.
The Rocky Patel Vintage 1990 Toro Tube is a medium-bodied cigar that blends Dominican and Nicaraguan Tobaccos Ligero with a natural Broadleaf wrapper from Honduras. It has a smooth and rich flavor that is complex and enjoyable. It received a '92' rating and is one of the top 50 cigars in the world. Rocky Patel Vintage 1990 has a box-pressed shape and a consistent burn. It starts with mint and licorice notes and transitions to leather, toast, and espresso flavors, with a sweet and creamy finish that has hints of cocoa powder and almonds.
This new cigar follows the success of the highly rated Vintage '90 and '92 series from Rocky Patel. It is a mild to medium-bodied cigar with a smooth, creamy Connecticut shade wrapper and medium back.
The Rocky Patel Vintage 1999 Connecticut cigar is made by blending a 7-year-old leaf from Connecticut with a blend of 8-year-old long-leaf Ligeros from the Dominican and Nicaraguan Tobaccos. This process produces a bold and slightly spicy flavor, with notes of rich creamy earth and toasted wood. If you prefer a milder smoking experience, this cigar is a good option that goes well with morning coffee or a daily commute.
The Rocky Patel Sungrown Toro Tube is an excellent cigar. Although the Sun Grown Maduro wrapper gets more attention now, the Rocky Patel Sungrown was one of the first highly-rated blends by Rocky. The good news is that this cigar is affordable for regular use despite its top-notch quality.
This cigar has a rich blend of filler tobaccos that create complex and flavorful smoke, and its 5-year-old Ecuadorian Sun Grown wrapper adds a spicy and sweet taste the first cigar that lasts until you finish smoking it. The cigar has been carefully aged and blended for a smooth and full-bodied finish from start to finish. It is perfect for connoisseurs who appreciate a serious cigar.
Sun Grown premium blend has received high ratings of '90' and '91' by Cigar Aficionado and has been recognized as one of the 'Top 50' cigars globally. The panel described it as a medium to full-bodied cigar with a pleasant blend of earthy, spicy and mild cedar flavors, and a tangy finish.
Overall, the Rocky Patel Sampler is a great way to experience the best of what this master cigar maker has to offer. These cigars are carefully crafted using the highest quality tobacco, and each one will take you on a unique journey of flavor and complexity. Whether you enjoy a full-bodied cigar or something milder, there is something for everyone in this sampler. So why not treat yourself or a loved one to the Rocky Patel Sampler and enjoy the very best that the world of cigars has to offer?