Rocky Patel Cigars
Why settle for ordinary when you can enjoy extraordinary? The Rocky Patel DBS Toro offers a remarkable smoking experience crafted for the true connoisseur of fine cigars. “DBS” stands for Double Broadleaf Selection, a tribute to its meticulously chosen Pennsylvania broadleaf binder and Nicaraguan broadleaf filler. Each hand-rolled masterpiece is cloaked in a dark, luxurious Mexican San Andres maduro wrapper, making every inch of this cigar a work of art.
Imagine the rich flavors of freshly brewed espresso, silky chocolate, and a whisper of spice lingering on your palate. The Rocky Patel DBS Toro is medium to full-bodied, delivering a well-balanced complexity with every draw. Whether you're winding down after a long day or celebrating an achievement, this cigar is your ticket to pure indulgence.
Made in the heart of Nicaragua by the renowned Tabacalera Villa Cuba, these cigars showcase world-class craftsmanship. And with a 6 1/2" length and 52-ring gauge, the Toro format ensures a satisfying burn that lasts, allowing you to savor every moment.
Stalk-cut broadleaf tobacco, known for its rich aroma and savory flavor, gives the DBS Toro its unique character. Its cellophane packaging preserves the freshness of each cigar, ensuring peak flavor the moment you light up.
Don’t wait to indulge in this luxurious blend. Order your box of 20 Rocky Patel DBS Toro Cigars today and elevate your smoking experience to the next level. Luxury, flavor, and craftsmanship—this is the cigar that has it all.