The Rocky Patel DBS Toro cigar is the ultimate smoke for aficionados who are looking for a full-bodied, flavorful experience. Crafted using a unique process in Nicaragua, this medium to full-bodied cigar has a Mexican San Andres maduro wrapper that cloaks an exquisite blend of USA and Nicaraguan binders, as well as Honduran and Nicaraguan filler. The standout feature that makes this particular cigar so special is the Double Broadleaf Selection (DBS) used in its crafting. Such tobaccos are stalked cut instead of primed, giving them a rich aroma and deeply savory flavor. Notes of espresso, chocolate and spice stand out when smoking this handmade masterpiece, making it two puffs away from pure paradise! If you’re ready to take your smoke session to whole new level, then grab yourself one of these Rocky Patel DBS Toro cigars today!