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Rocky Patel Cigars All you need to know


Get the unique cigar experience with Rocky Patel cigars

If you're looking for an amazing cigar experience, then you need to know about Rocky Patel Cigars. Handcrafted with care in Honduran and Nicaraguan factories, these premium cigars offer a richness not found in other brands. They have a complex flavor profile that will leave you wanting more with every puff. With a history steeped in tradition, combine old-world craftsmanship with modern-day innovation as they progress through time.


At the heart of every one of his cigars, there is a perfect blend of select tobaccos from eight countries. A combination of sun-grown ligero and Cuban Seed tobacco leaves provides for an incredibly smooth, full-bodied flavor. By utilizing different strength levels and premiums tobaccos from various countries, each cigar presents its own unique flavor profile for the discerning aficionado.

For a truly luxurious experience, there's nothing quite like Rocky Patel Brand. Combining tradition and expertise that span generations, these world-famous smokes will take your special occasions to the next level!

The result of this hard work? A finished product that exudes richness both visually and tastefully; from the perfect shape and burn down to the distinctive aroma of premium tobaccos—it's no wonder why cigar enthusiasts continue to be moved by Rocky Patel's handcrafted treats. Try them for yourself today and see what all the fuss is about!

Rocky Patel Sixty
Rocky Patel Sixty cigars are truly worthy of its accolade as the #2 cigar of 2022. Rocky Patel has certainly gained a well-deserved reputation over sixty years, perfecting their spectacular tobaccos year in and year out. I'm honored to say that Rocky Patel Sixty cigars have become the world's choice for luxury and innovation.
Rocky Patel The Edge 20th Anniversary
Rocky Patel the Edge sparked a revolution in cigar manufacturing 20 years ago when he set out to create something truly remarkable. He had the ambition and passion to bring something arguably more robust and multifaceted than had been done before, and thus Rocky Patel cigars were born. Now, in honor of two decades of Rocky Patel's innovative blending of Nicaraguan and Honduran tobaccos, Rocky Patel proudly presents the Edge 20th Anniversary.
Don Pepin Original
Rocky Patel DBS is a carefully crafted cigar designed to impress. Boasting two distinct broadleaf varietals and clothed in a Mexican San Andres wrapper, Rocky Patel certainly outdid themselves with this showstopper. Crafted with expert precision and skill, every trial of Rocky Patel DBS will be unique and satisfying as they are all handmade with deliberate care.
Rocky Patel Disciple
Rocky Patel Cigars have been heralded for their unwavering commitment to quality and craftsmanship, and The Rocky Patel Disciple is no exception. Hand-crafted with only the finest Nicaraguan tobacco, this uniquely blended medium to full-bodied smoke is unmistakable in its signature Mexican San Andrés wrapper.
Rocky Patel White Label
Rocky Patel has been working for over a decade perfecting the formula of Nicaragua's finest, but it wasn't until he had an epiphany that Rocky knew what was missing. Rocky gives us Rocky Patel White Label: a mild to medium-bodied cigar with a stunning Connecticut wrapper and robust flavor profile.
Quarter Century
Rocky Patel cigars are finally introducing their best creation yet: the Rocky Patel Quarter Century! This is no ordinary cigar. Rather, it is Rocky Patel's 25 years of work, dedication and attention to detail packed into one top-of-the-line experience. From its exquisite San Andres wrapper down to its finest Nicaraguan tobacco, the Rocky Patel Quarter Century truly lives up to its name and stands out as Rocky Patel's greatest masterpiece yet.
Fifteenth Anniversary
Rocky Patel is a well-known and esteemed name in the cigar industry with his Rocky Patel Fifteenth Anniversary being his legendary accomplishment. Rocky crafted the finest aged Nicaraguan tobaccos into a box-pressed masterpiece that has since been awarded a 93 point rating by Cigar Aficionado, making it onto the magazine's Top 25 Cigars of the Year list.
Rocky Patel Fifty Five
Rocky Patel Fifty-Five cigars are a special treat for Rocky's birthday. Bring the celebration home with you by enjoying Rocky's personal blend. Boasting a medium to full body, each Fifty-Five cigar features four different vitolas, all with an impressive 55 ring gauge and unique tapered head and foot combination that produces sweet flavors and tantalizing aromas.
Rocky Patel Vintage 1990 Connecticut Broadleaf
If you're looking for the ultimate cigar experience, then look no further than Rocky Patel's Vintage 1990 Connecticut Broadleaf! This incredible medium-bodied box-pressed blend is crafted from Dominican & Nicaraguan Ligero tobaccos and expertly draped with a tantalizing natural Broadleaf wrapper from Honduras.
Rocky Patel Vintage 1999 Connecticut
Rocky's Vintage 1999 Connecticut is the perfect way to complete your trifecta of awesome smokes. On top of a classic blend of 8-year, toasted nuts and-old Dominican and Nicaraguan long-leaf ligeros is an exquisite 7-year-old Connecticut leaf that results in a subtle yet creamy smoke. Notes of earth, toast, and just a hint of slight spice will excite your palate for an interesting experience unlike no other.
Rocky Patel Vintage 2006 San Andres
Vintage 2006 San Andres is the latest addition to the Vintage line -- and it's sure to be one of your favorites. This remarkable cigar is handcrafted in Rocky's Nicaraguan factory with an 11-year-aged Mexican wrapper, Nicaraguan long-fillers, and a Connecticut Broadleaf binder.
Rocky Patel Grand Reserve
With the worldwide demand for his cigars soaring, Rocky Patel developed a special brand just for global audiences - GRAND RESERVE! He customized this blend especially to meet the preferences of an international market. What's in it? That's a dark and well-kept secret that only Mr. Patel knows... favorite Rocky Patel blends.
Rocky Patel Royale
Introducing The Royale, a delectable medium-to-full-bodied blend for the senses. Its unique and intense complexity is cloaked in an exquisite Sumatra wrapper from Ecuador, complemented by two diverse cocoa binders—shade-grown Connecticut & Connecticut Broadleaf as well as Nicaraguan cocoa fillers from our own farms. Get ready to be tantalized!

The History behind Rocky Patel Premium Cigars

This cigar brand have become a household name, thanks to their maker's charismatic and passionate approach to marketing. Rakesh "Rocky" Patel entered the cigar business in the 1990s after a girlfriend introduced him to it. His enthusiasm for savoring each puff of quality cigars propelled him down a new path, as he soon made a name for himself in both the cigar-making and marketing industries.

Where to shop near you, Cigar Aficionados!

If you're looking for the world's best cigar brands, look no further than Rocky Patel. Since 2008, his sets of cigars have been recognized globally for their impeccable flavors and quality craftsmanship. People around the world have come to love the nutty and earthy Ecuador Sumatra leaves used in his lines due to its rough and rustic boxes. Rocky Patel blends have also been praised at Cigar Aficionado with scores of 90-95 points, including Cigar of the Year with 92-rated 'RP' Old World Reserve in 2009. You can find many of Rocky's highest-rated blends as well as ultra-affordable versions in the top Rocky Patel cigars we offer today!

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