Roberto P. Duran Cigars
Roberto P Duran Baracoa Churchill Cigars are economical, everyday cigars with a premium feel. They are named after Roberto P Duran‰۪s hometown in Cuba, Baracoa. These cigars feature Nicaraguan long fillers nestled in an Ecuadorian Habano Criollo wrapper. They produce a medium to full bodied smoke marked by perfect balance and progressive flavors. Notes of nutmeg, cinnamon, chocolate, coffee, and cream dominate the palate throughout. Crafted with the same devotion as their other high end brands they are sure to become a staple in the humidor. These Roberto P Duran Baracoa Churchill Cigars are built in the size of 7 x 47. They come in carton boxes in bundle of 20. To buy these economical premium cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.